
3D Realistic Custom Firework Animation!

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3D Realistic Custom Firework Animation!


3D Realistic Custom Firework Animation by Blender!

The best thing, you need to decorate your background or sky and etc is right here!

By pre rigged camera and custom animation with modifiers and also rigged firework, you can easily customize your firework, scene and so on.

The scene that used in project is in link below:


Btw by purchasing the product you get also its preview animation however For rendering animation you just need to bake the animation step-by-step from pictures below:

  1. Go to modifiers tab (blue gear shaped icon) or simulation tab .

  1. Click the drawn icon

  1. Click bake and then set timeline at 0, click Render tab and press Render Animation!

    After your render finished you need only save your project by press CTRL+S button or by clicking file tab and click save or save as and then close the blender, Reopen the blender go to New Video Editing Project and click view upper the timeline and tap image sequence and choose all of your frames by click A Key button and open it after that you only need to click Render tab ->Render Animation and that’s all!

    if you have any problem or questions, feel free to contact me on discordToxicGW#0GW/Mando#0212or Telegram@KarmaGW
    thank you so much for supporting me. enjoy.
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Beautiful Custom Firework

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